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  • Farley Open Rooming Assignments

    Please click the button below to view your room assignment for the weekend.

  • Farley Open 2023 Photos Link

    Please add any photos that you want to this link for the Farley Open for 2023. Farley Open Photos 2023

  • Added Question to Digital Scoring

    In an effort to help out the Scoring Chairman, an additional question has been appended to each google form for the Crony Round, Scramble Round, and Final Round. It is the last question for all three forms and it is: You will be asked to select from the drop down who from the group will be submitting the card to the pro shop. Please find that golfer's name and submit each form. The reasoning behind this is to create some accountability for two things. First we would like to encourage everyone to return the Officially Labeled Farley Open Scorecards in a timely fashion. Secondly, if there is a discrepancy it will give the scoring Chairman a point of contact to discuss the issue. Only 6 days to go!!!


    HELLO ALL SWELL MUGS!! ​ONLY 7 DAYS LEFT!! We are beyond excited to see you all. We are ready to enjoy a great weekend of golf and MOST IMPORTANTLY support our 3-year-old superhero, Lily Mae Funk! We will have over 35 raffle baskets and silent auction prizes!!! In addition to the prizes at the event, we have a HUGE opportunity!! DO YOU WANT A CHANCE TO HAVE TWO AMAZING SEATS (SEE PICTURE FOR SEAT VIEW) FOR THE EAGLES VS. BILLS ON NOVEMBER 26TH? EVERY $20 CHANCE YOU BUY GO ES TO SUPPORT 3-YEAR-OLD, LILY MAE FUNK’S FIGHT AGAINST CANCER? The Farley Open family is so grateful to Ken and Sarinia Feinman for donating these amazing seats, allowing us to share this opportunity with everyone!! FIRST STEP!!!! CLICK HERE TO ENTER! $20 per chance. BUY AS MANY AS YOU WANT!!! SECOND STEP!!! Payment can be made the following way: 1. Venmo to Adam Boxman (@AdamBoxman). Please note “Farley Open”. The last 4 digits are 0057. 2. Check written out to “Farley Open” and sent to 5108 Craigs View Pipersville PA 18947. Must be received by drawing on September 30th. Drawing will take place Sept 30, 2023 Sponsored by The AMG Team: Mortgage Lenders Vetrano, Vetrao, & Feinman Law TICKETS CAN NOT BE RESOLD

  • Crony/Scramble Pairing 2023

    Find out who you are playing with next weekend in this year's Farley Open!!

  • Farley Open Digital Scoring

    We are officially one week away of the start of the best weekend of the year...the 43rd annual FARLEY OPEN! Rain, wind, cold will not deter us in helping out Lily Mae and her family. It will be great to see all the old familiar faces, laugh, talk about past Farley Open's and friends, and make new memories. As everyone may have noticed we have a new website this year!!! And we are going to leverage it to help gather scoring data and streamline the calculation process for our scoring Chairman Tom Farley. An important item must be underscored. Each crony round group, scramble round group, and final round group will continue to keep a physical scorecard. This scorecard will have an official Farley Open label on it, and must be turned into the Pro-Shop at the conclusion of each round. It is the final source of truth and will be used to resolve any discrepancies. That being said we want each golfer to enter his score at Crony Round Scoring On Friday September 29th, EACH individual golfer will go to on your cell phone. On the home page, tap on the button "Enter Crony Round Score" This will take you to the Google Form and you will enter your score for Red-White-Blue nines. After you submit your score you can verify your entry either by checking your email or clicking this button. * Any team member can enter scores for the entire crony round group. We recommend using a unique individual email address for each entry. ** If there are any questions please feel free to ask someone for help who is more comfortable with technology or find Michael Hartz on the course *** The Google Form will stop accepting responses at 9 pm on Crony Rd Friday **** Please review the Crony Round scoring video below Scramble Round Scoring On Saturday September 30th, EACH individual golfer will go to on your cell phone. On the home page, tap on the button "Enter Scramble Round Score" This will take you to the Google Form and you will enter your team's total gross score over whatever 18 you have played. Each individual golfer will have to enter this score. After you submit your score you can verify your entry either by checking your email or clicking this button. * Any team member can enter scores for the entire scramble round group. We recommend using a unique individual email address for each entry. ** If there are any questions please feel free to ask someone for help who is more comfortable with technology or find Michael Hartz on the course *** The Google Form will stop accepting responses at 9 pm on Scramble Rd Saturday **** Please review the Scramble Round scoring video below Final Round Scoring On Sunday October 1st, EACH individual golfer will go to on your cell phone. On the home page, tap on the button "Enter Final 9 Score" This will take you to the Google Form and you will enter your score for your final nine holes. After you submit your score you can verify your entry either by checking your email or clicking this button. * Any team member can enter scores for the entire final round group. We recommend using a unique individual email address for each entry. ** If there are any questions please feel free to ask someone for help who is more comfortable with technology or find Michael Hartz on the course *** The Google Form will stop accepting responses at 2 pm on Final Rd Sunday ****Please review the Final Round scoring video below

  • Lily Mae Recipient Video

    The Farley Open family has been so generous with their support in past years, and we ask you to once again show love, prayers, and financial support to a wonderful family who is currently experiencing some struggles. 100% of every dollar we raise will go directly to Lily’s family to help them through a very tough time. There Are 3 Ways You Can Help: 1. Click this link to make a direct donation: GoFundMe Link 2. Click this link to advertise your business in our ad book: 2023 Ad Book Sponsorship Form 3. Donate prizes or raffle items for the auction at our event. Reach out directly to Adam Boxman at ( or (215)850-0057.

  • Lily Mae Update!

    From Lily's Grandmother: "Hi I just wanted to update you on our long stay... yesterday was 1 week in.... high dose chemo is done... Lily actually handled it very well ... today she had her stem cell transplant that went well... now she's tired and nauseous like you would expect... all her counts have dropped just like the Dr's expected... we are anticipating mucuscitous to veer it's nasty head within the next couple days... they already have pain meds available to her to keep her comfortable... now we wait for everything to get back to where it should be! That's gonna take some time... She amazizes us every single day... we are so proud of our little warrior she is getting IV nutrition... which added extra to the IV pole... this thing looks like a transformer... she's getting alot of well needed rest!! Do you know we are so close to being half way done... can't believe all that she has been through !!! It's hard to describe the amount of emotions we're going through it's crazy!!!!! Thanks for being their for us during this journey I won't stop letting you know how much it means to us that you love our baby as much as we do!!!!! Let's keep praying it's not over yet she's got this... We will never stop believing " 100% of every dollar we raise will go directly to Lily’s family to help them through a very tough time. There Are 3 Ways You Can Help: 1. Click this link to make a direct donation: GoFundMe Link 2. Click this link to advertise your business in our ad book: 2023 Ad Book Sponsorship Form 3. Donate prizes or raffle items for the auction at our event. Reach out directly to Adam Boxman at ( or (215)850-0057. Any questions, reach out directly to Adam Boxman at ( or (215) 850-0057

  • Registration Bonanza!

    Hi everyone! Hope all is well and your are enjoying the lovely weather. We are grateful to everyone who has responded so far to the Farley Open invitation. If you can attend we are excited to see you at Shawnee in September. If you cannot attend we look forward to seeing you next year. To date 60% of all invitees have provided an RSVP which is fantastic and much appreciated. If at all possible we would love to receive a response from everyone regardless of attendance. Couple of items to clear up. We no longer are using Survey Monkey to capture registration. The proper place to register is at this link and entering the password of "2023." If you do not fulfill the form on the new FO website, you have not registered successfully. Once you have successfully registered on the website you will get the below message. If you are not able to attend you do not have to send a check/Venmo to Bob but please consider donating to this year's recipient, Lily Mae Funk, at this link. 2. Entering "Farley Open" into a google search will produce this as the top search hit: This is the OLD website and is now defunct. Even if you click on it, an error will be provided. In a few weeks this site should not appear in a google search. Recommendation is to either enter into a browser or scroll down in a google search to reveal the new site:

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